The Stars, Fate & Passion: An Interview with Astrologer and Tarot Reader, Sarah May Low

by insideout

Many have always had that personal interest in astrology, tarot cards, and the occult. One would find themselves turning to the pages of a newspaper or magazine’s daily or monthly horoscope forecast. 

Many also love looking at zodiac compatibility and seeing star sign traits in someone’s personality, so I was excited to be able to sit down with a real-life astrologer and Tarot reader – Sarah May Low.

1. When did you begin to engage with the Tarot on a personal level?

In 2012, I was in Australia for my graduation ceremony in Queensland and decided to drop by Melbourne to visit a college friend. This friend booked himself a Tarot Reading and asked me to accompany him for the reading. I also booked myself in for a tarot reading after he raved about how accurate the reading was, and true enough, I cried at my very first Tarot reading when the reader told me about many things I’ve only kept to myself.

I had to find out more about the Tarot after this because I wanted to find answers about life, especially after the worst heartbreak of my life in 2014. So, I started to read about the Tarot, bought all the books and a Tarot deck, and studied hard.

However, I wouldn’t say the path was simple because I made many mistakes while I was on my quest. Instead, it was only when I trusted myself and not some book that I eventually discovered my flow, and now it is pure joy for me to read Tarot.

2. Are there any noticeable changes in your perspective after reading your own or others’ tarot cards?

Initially, I thought I was only learning how to read and memorize the keywords for the 78-card Tarot deck. However, since I’ve been interpreting the cards for the last seven years, much more has been discovered.

I’ve seen my life and the world through a lens that has shifted. On a fundamental level, learning to read Tarot cards provides you with a better understanding of your inner and outside worlds, enabling you to better comprehend complex or challenging periods in your life.

More than that, the Tarot is just one of many ways to access this extraordinary, magnificent, eternal life force at the heart of all life. To access your inner direction and the highest version of yourself, you need to learn to trust your intuition.

By reclaiming your power, you accept that you are the primary author of your life, and you have the freedom to choose your path. Though I learned Astrology and Tarot many years ago, I only truly understood and accepted the meanings of spirituality and the Law of Attraction. I’ve proud to say that I have manifested MAGIC in my own life.

3. What is one of the best memories with a client?

All my readings are unique, heart-warming, and life-changing. A few months ago, I was consulted by a regular customer who asked me about applying for his ideal job. As soon as we started working together, I already knew he would understand, but I was straightforward about the difficulties, issues, and barriers he would confront. He often sought my advice on critical developments, and the cards helped identify crucial people and factors to be aware of. After months of waiting, he returned to me to tell me that he finally found the perfect job for him. He was extremely grateful and delighted. I was super happy for him too!

4. Additionally, what are the other projects you’re now working on? What more do you offer besides being a tarot card reader?

I’m also an Astrologer, Tea Leaf Reader, and Life Coach, and I read for brand launches and corporate events. As I discussed previously, I help people get from point A to point B when they are in their transformative stage and wish to undergo a metamorphosis. I will provide new analytical tools that can help people think and make decisions.

I show you the way to your destination by reading the cards or your birth chart. With coaching, I assist you in laying the groundwork that will help you reach your goal.

I act as your guide, leading you in the direction you need to go. When you are being coached, we are both in the exact vehicle — you are driving, and I am assisting you in finding your way.

After we’ve agreed on a course of action, we figure out how to locate a better road, even if it’s a little more complex than the one we started with.

Academic-wise, I am completing my doctorate in a year, and I plan to write research journal articles on Tarot, Astrology, Life Coaching, Mental Health and also used my knowledge to help people in their love life as I am an expert in Online Dating, Romantic Relationships, and Love Communication.


5. How do your clients find you? Where is your office located? Where can they reach you online?

My studio office is located in Puchong Jaya, Selangor State, in Malaysia. International clients can visit my websites:

For Astrology and Tarot Reading bookings:


To enrol for my Diploma in Tarot Divination course:


They can also follow me through Facebook and Instagram: @sarahmaylow

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