Overseas Vietnamese eager to contribute to national development: Deputy Foreign Minister

by insideout

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairperson of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (SCOV) Lê Thị Thu Hằng. — VNA/VNS Photo

In an interview with The World and Việt Nam Report ahead of the Fourth World Conference of Overseas Vietnamese, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairwoman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (SCOV) Lê Thị Thu Hằng gives her insights into the deep-seated desire and aspirations of the overseas community to contribute to the nation’s development goals.

What is the significance of this year’s theme for the World Conference of Overseas Vietnamese?

The contributions of the overseas Vietnamese community have consistently left a lasting and profound impact on the nation throughout its history. Each time, the World Conference of Overseas Vietnamese is convened, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs carefully selects a theme that aligns with the nation’s current development priorities. This approach fosters a deep sense of connection among overseas Vietnamese and the national community, recognising them as “inseparable part”, and encouraging their active participation and support in the country’s development at every stage.

The 4th World Conference of Overseas Vietnamese is taking place at a crucial juncture, as the entire nation is intensifying efforts to implement the tasks outlined in the 13th National Party Congress’s Resolution, with the aim of realising the country’s development goals for 2030 and 2045. My interactions with overseas Vietnamese during my work abroad have clearly revealed their strong desire to contribute to these national aspirations.

Thus, with the theme ‘Overseas Vietnamese Joining Hands to Realise the Nation’s Development Aspirations’, our goal is to create a platform where overseas Vietnamese, particularly intellectuals and entrepreneurs, can offer their ideas and suggestions for the nation’s development in the current context. This forum will also serve to strengthen national unity, foster connections between overseas Vietnamese intellectuals and entrepreneurs with domestic stakeholders – especially local authorities, businesses and research and technology transfer institutions – and to encourage overseas Vietnamese investment while enhancing the integration into innovation networks, both within and beyond our borders.

After 20 years of implementing the Politburo’s Resolution 36-NQ/TW on Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, what challenges and requirements remain for this work?

Over the past two decades, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with various central and local agencies, as well as political and social organisations, has actively worked to develop and implement a range of policies and initiatives. These efforts have been aimed at supporting our compatriots abroad in stabilising and advancing their lives while also encouraging them to contribute to the homeland’s construction and development, in line with the spirit of Resolution 36, which asserts that: “Overseas Vietnamese are an inseparable part and an important resource of the Vietnamese national community.”

However, despite these concerted efforts, several challenges and requirements persist, driven by both objective and subjective factors.

Firstly, while there have been positive strides in areas such as citizenship, land ownership, investment and entry-exit procedures, there is still a lack of synchronisation in the development and implementation of certain mechanisms, policies, and legal regulations related to overseas Vietnamese. These inconsistencies mean that existing policies do not yet fully meet the evolving needs of the situation.

Secondly, despite significant breakthroughs in engaging the overseas Vietnamese community, the results have not fully met expectations. A small portion of the overseas community remains hesitant to fully embrace and contribute to these efforts, often held back by lingering preconceived notions.

While efforts to mobilise the economic resources of overseas Vietnamese have yielded encouraging outcomes, these initiatives have not yet fully tapped into the vast potential of the community, particularly its intellectual resources. Despite having a diaspora of 600,000 intellectuals, including many leading scientists and experts, there has been insufficient focus on leveraging their expertise and influence to promote the nation’s image and foster international relations between Việt Nam and other countries and organisations.

The support provided to overseas Vietnamese in stabilising their lives and integrating into host societies has sometimes been inadequate. Some compatriots continue to face significant challenges in certain locations, where their legal status is not yet secure. Additionally, incidents involving legal violations by Vietnamese nationals in some areas have tarnished the country’s image, highlighting the need for more robust support systems.

Lastly, efforts to preserve and promote the national cultural identity have been prioritised and funded, but these initiatives have not always been effectively tailored to meet the specific needs and conditions of each location. Furthermore, the dissemination of information has not adequately reached all target groups, particularly young people. As a result, a segment of the community remains disconnected from official information about the country. It lacks a full, timely and accurate understanding of the Party and State’s guidelines and policies.

How has the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (SCOV) coordinated with and received support from relevant agencies and the overseas community?

After 20 years of implementing Resolution 36, the work of Overseas Vietnamese Affairs has evolved into a collective responsibility shared by the entire political system and every citizen, including the overseas Vietnamese community. Given the multi-sectoral and multifaceted nature of Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, it is evident that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs alone cannot undertake this task without the coordination and support of central and local agencies, as well as the unity and cooperation of domestic citizens and the overseas Vietnamese community.

For instance, relevant ministries and agencies have worked in close coordination on the development and implementation of policies related to overseas Vietnamese. As a result, numerous policies have been issued in areas of significant interest to the overseas community, such as citizenship, housing, land ownership and residency. These policies have increasingly facilitated the return of overseas Vietnamese for work, investment and business, thereby strengthening their connection with the homeland.

In terms of fostering national solidarity and mobilising overseas Vietnamese to contribute to the homeland, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has regularly collaborated with relevant agencies. Notable examples include activities such as the summer camp which has seen active participation from many localities, and the Vietnamese language programme coordinated with the Ministry of Education and Training. Additionally, the visit of overseas Vietnamese to Trường Sa and the DK-I rigs, organised in coordination with the Ministry of National Defence, stands out as a significant effort.

In the realm of caring for and supporting the overseas Vietnamese community, the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and domestic agencies is complemented by the proactive involvement of overseas Vietnamese themselves and their associations.

Embodying the spirit of ‘mutual assistance and compassion’, our compatriots have taken the initiative in supporting those facing hardships due to natural disasters, epidemics, fires and conflicts. A clear example of this solidarity is the support provided during the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Without the tireless efforts of overseas Vietnamese associations, it would have been extremely challenging for Vietnamese diplomatic missions in Ukraine and neighbouring countries to manage the large volume of citizen protection and community support work in such a short time.

Efforts to mobilise the resources of overseas Vietnamese have been marked by successful coordination between domestic and overseas agencies. These efforts have included organising numerous seminars, conferences and business forums, establishing networks that link overseas Vietnamese intellectuals and entrepreneurs, creating mechanisms that allow overseas Vietnamese to contribute their ideas on major national issues and providing support to resolve challenges faced by overseas Vietnamese when investing, doing business, or cooperating in scientific research in Việt Nam. Additionally, there have been significant efforts to engage overseas Vietnamese in introducing and distributing Vietnamese products abroad.

In the important work of preserving the Vietnamese language and promoting cultural identity, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has coordinated with both domestic and overseas agencies to provide textbooks and teaching materials for Vietnamese language instruction, conduct training courses for overseas Vietnamese teachers and persuade host governments to include Vietnamese in the curricula of schools and universities. The proposal for the Day of Honouring the Vietnamese Language, approved by the Prime Minister in 2022, has laid a solid foundation for a series of activities aimed at promoting and honouring Vietnamese culture and language among overseas compatriots.

With this year’s conference featuring various forums and practical activities on Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, what are your expectations?

We hope that this year’s conference, with its innovative organisation and focus on the Overseas Vietnamese Intellectuals and Experts Forum, will serve as a ‘Diên Hồng’ conference – a gathering that harnesses collective wisdom, strengthens national solidarity and fully leverages the resources, potential and strengths of the overseas community for the country’s development. Our particular focus is on key areas and issues related to sustainable development. It is our aspiration that compatriots, both at home and abroad, will unite in realising the nation’s vision for a prosperous and thriving future.

Following the conference, we envisage the Overseas Vietnamese Intellectuals and Experts Forum becoming an annual event, held both domestically and internationally, with each iteration delving deeply into themes crucial to the country’s strategic development. — VNS

This article was first posted on Vietnam News

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