Pattern Computer ProSpectral™ Device Found to be “Potentially Disruptive” in Clinical Diagnostics and Military Bio Attack Roles

by insideout

• New paper on sensing research collaboration with national labs available on medRxiv

• Hyperspectral sensing shown to enable agnostic reagent-free diagnostics

• Study addresses clear and critical need for pathogen agnostic diagnostics that can be quickly and effectively performed at point of need

• Research collaboration funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory

REDMOND, Wash., June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pattern Computer®, Inc. (“Pattern” or “the Company”) today announced the availability of the first paper produced by a research collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which addresses the clear and critical need for pathogen agnostic diagnostics that can be quickly and effectively performed at point of need. Leveraging the Company’s AI-enabled Pattern Discovery Engine™ (PDE) along with its ProSpectral™ multi-disease diagnostics research platform, the resulting manuscript “Reagent-free Hyperspectral Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Saliva Samples” is available on an online preprint server at medRxiv at and is being submitted to scientific journals for consideration for publication.

From the Manuscript: Reagent-free Hyperspectral Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Saliva Samples

To our knowledge, this establishes the fastest hyperspectral diagnostic platform (3 seconds/measurement), with no preprocessing and in a small form factor, and executable with liquid (clinical) samples, without ligands or reagents. Our data demonstrates that the sensitivity of this assay is comparable to gold-standard PCR-based assays; and that the signatures are specific to COVID-19 and not associated with influenza and other respiratory pathogens – establishing the truly agnostic nature of the platform.

Preparedness against unanticipated pathogens and democratization of diagnostics requires moving away from technologies that demand specific reagents; and relying on intrinsic biochemical properties that can, theoretically, inform on all pathologies. Integration of hyperspectral sensors and in-line machine learning analytics, as reported here, shows the feasibility of such diagnostics. If realized to full potential, the ProSpectral™ V1 platform can enable agnostic diagnostics, thereby improving situational awareness and decision-making at the point of need; especially in resource-limited settings – enabling the distribution of newly developed tests for emerging pathogens with only a software update.

Matt Keener, Pattern Chief Technology Officer, noted, “Employing Pattern’s ProSpectral platform, an integrated, bench-top hyperspectral instrument (400-1700 nm) engineered for use with clinical samples, this study has definitively shown hyperspectral sensing to enable pathogen agnostic, reagent-free diagnostics. Pattern invented the first PDE for identifying novel patterns in complex data that cannot be discovered using conventional analytical techniques, algorithms, or tools. The Company created the ProSpectral platform – a portable system capable of continuous collection of spectral signatures in clinical samples such as saliva – and combined it with the PDE to generate predictive models of disease with unmatched accuracy and speed. The instrument may incorporate pattern recognition via embedded AI/ML algorithms and can decode the same within seconds at the point of need, without the need for any reagents. ProSpectral was used in the research study to capture SARS-CoV-2 infection-related spectral signatures in saliva. The signatures were analyzed by researchers using tools including the PDE, which provided explainable predictive metrics for SARS-CoV-2 infection diagnosis. The methods described are broadly applicable to diseases and disease states, and the ability to train and release new explainable models is getting faster with each generation.”

Mark Anderson, Chair and CEO of Pattern, commented, “Emerging infectious diseases are a major concern in national health security. The results from the study highlight the significant potential of Pattern’s AI-enabled PDE and our ProSpectral platform, and represent an important step forward in our development efforts surrounding multi-disease diagnostics research. Pattern is honored to be a part of this innovative and far-reaching research intended to enable front-line workers to distinguish between viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections in seconds in the field.”

Mr. Anderson concluded, “We are excited by the findings of this study, which indicate that ProSpectral is indeed a disruptive new technology in realizing rapid, reagent-free, pathogen agnostic diagnostics at the point of need; a critical development that can truly impact point of care in both clinical diagnostic decision making, and clinical/military pandemic/outbreak control.”

About ProSpectral
Pattern has created a line of light-based devices which can detect the presence of diseases in three seconds. Using 100ul (two drops) of saliva placed into a small disposable sample container, a broad-spectrum light source is passed through the saliva and the light absorption pattern is captured by the device. The device, utilizing an accurate model of Covid-19’s absorption pattern, identifies an active Covid-19 infection with 98.8% balanced accuracy in the proof of concept. In critical environments where no individual shall pass with Covid-19, the accuracy of the device can be adjusted to 100% detection with up to 8% false positives. No reagents are required. The accuracy of each test is nearly equivalent to the current gold standard of a nasopharyngeal sample processed through an RT-PCR device. ProSpectral is ideally suited for situations where many people need to be tested in a short amount of time and/or on a frequent basis. The non-invasive sample collection eliminates patient discomfort, simplifies the testing process, and will likely increase voluntary compliance with regards to testing. The device is designed to meet FDA 21 CFR 820 and internationally ISO 13485.2016 guidelines. Regulatory approvals will be sought before availability in each market.

About medRxiv
medRxiv (pronounced “med-archive”) is a free online archive and distribution server for complete but unpublished manuscripts (preprints) in the medical, clinical, and related health sciences. Preprints are preliminary reports of work that have not been certified by peer review. They should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information.

medRxiv is for the distribution of preprints – complete but unpublished manuscripts – that describe human health research conducted, analyzed, and interpreted according to scientific principles. Research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, clinical research design protocols and data articles may be posted. MedRxiv is not intended for case reports (single or in series), narrative reviews, editorials, letters, opinion pieces and hypotheses that lack data, work not premised on modern biology/physiology or allopathic medicine, laboratory protocols/recipes, theses, term papers, textbook excerpts or individual components of research articles such as figures, tables, and datasets.

About Pattern
Pattern Computer, Inc. uses its Pattern Discovery Engine™ to solve the most important and intractable problems in business and medicine. These proprietary mathematical techniques in advanced AI can find complex patterns in very-high-order data that have eluded detection by much larger systems. As the Company applies its computational platform to the challenging fields of drug discovery and diagnostics, it is also making major Pattern Discoveries for partners in other sectors, including extended biotech, materials science, aerospace manufacturing quality control, veterinary medicine, air traffic operations, and energy services. See

CONTACT: Laura Guerrant-Oiye (808) 960-2642 –

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