Hà Nội implements measures for sustainable tourism environment

by insideout

Director of Hà Nội’s Department of Tourism Đặng Hương Giang. Photo baotintuc.vn

Director of Hà Nội’s Department of Tourism, Đặng Hương Giang, talks to Tin tức (News) newspaper about measures to promote sustainable tourism activities in the city.

How has Hà Nội’s tourism sector recovered since March 15, 2022?

Hà Nội reopened tourism activities under the new normal stage from March 15, 2022, after the COVID-19 pandemic was brought under control. Tourism activities in the city in the first six months of this year saw signs of recovery. 

The number of tourists to the city was estimated at 8.61 million, nearly three times higher than the same period last year. Of that, the number of international visitors is estimated at 211,300 and domestic tourists at 8.4 million arrivals. Total revenue from tourism is estimated at VNĐ25.2 trillion, more than three times higher than the same period of last year. The average occupancy of 1-5 star hotels is estimated at 30.1 per cent, marking an increase of  6.11 per cent over the same period in 2021. 

Tourism businesses have also actively studied the needs and tastes of tourists to develop new appropriate tourism products and services. Tourist destinations and accommodation establishments have taken measures on COVID-19 prevention and control, improve facilities to receive tourists, ensuring security, order and traffic safety, food safety and hygiene, and environmental sanitation. 

To ensure security and safety for tourists, the Department of Tourism has actively coordinated with police, District People’s Committee and relevant units to strengthen inspecting, detecting and thorough handling of pickpocketing, beggars, and street vendors who harass or overcharge tourists

Hà Nội’s tourism continues to be highly appreciated by prestigious travel websites and magazines for its tourism attractiveness in 2022. TripAdvisor has ranked Hà Nội 13th in the list of the top 25 most popular destinations in Asia in 2022.

The German travel website Travelbook.de rated Hà Nội as one of the most favourite destinations in Southeast Asia. Data from the Google Destination Insights travel trend analysis tool ranks Hà Nội as one of the cities most searched for by international visitors.

Recently, several incidents have been reported that negatively affected Hà Nội’s image, such as a group of young people clashing with an international tourist in Hà Nội’s Old Quarter area, or a taxi driver overcharging a tourist. To limit and eliminate such incidents, what solutions have been implemented?

The Department of Tourism has actively grasped the situation and coordinated with other departments, branches, and People’s Committees of districts, towns and agencies to promptly inspect and handle such violations.

Departments and sectors proactively inspect, detect and tackle violations. Violators are classified and punished according to levels of violations. If necessary, serious violators would be sent to a juvenile detention centre to prevent them from committing violations again.

Hà Nội People’s Committee issued the Code of Conduct in Public Places and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued the Code of Civilised Tourism Conduct. The two materials are expected to help correct inadequacies in communication and behaviour. How can they reach tourist facilities and people?

The two documents have been widely public along with information on the observance of legal provisions on security, social order and safety, urban order, environmental sanitation and tourism environment.

The Hà Nội’s Department of Tourism also applies communication channels such as distributing leaflets, banners, slogans, radio and television; organising contests for businesses, tour guides and tourists.

What does Hà Nội plan to do to create a sustainable tourism environment? 

To develop tourism sustainably, a sustainable tourism environment must be established.

The Department of Tourism directs travel agencies to popularise and guide tourists to comply with the laws and regulations of tourist destinations, and behave in a civilised manner, respecting the cultural identity, customs and habits of Việt Nam and the tourist destinations.

Tourists must be managed according to the agreed tour programme that they made with the travel agencies.

The agencies must coordinate with competent state agencies to promptly handle violations during their tours.

In addition, the Department directs accommodation service providers to pay attention to building and deploying solutions to promote economical and efficient use of energy, step by step eliminate low-efficiency equipment and innovate the use of energy-saving, energy-saving, environment-friendly materials, building an energy management system, energy management tools at their facilities. They are encouraged to implement “green” tourism services in tourist accommodation establishments.

Management boards of tourist sites and attractions actively improve the quality of tourism products and services with unique, attractive and professional qualities to meet the diverse needs of tourists. 

The service prices must be listed in public. Travel and accommodation establishments must arrange a convenient reception place with a system of scientific and aesthetic signboards. They must ensure environmental sanitation, collecting/gathering and classifying waste in a reasonable place. 

The Department of Tourism actively co-operates with other relevant agencies to promptly inspect and handle violations of security and order, dealing with street vendors and beggars, especially in the Old Quarter area and Hoàn Kiếm Lake.

The department is also maintaining a hotline 1800556896 to receive feedback and recommendations from tourists and residents. VNS

This article was first posted on Vietnam News

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